You can always tell when a man’s mustache is performative and not representative of his true spirit.

You can always tell when a man’s mustache is performative and not representative of his true spirit.

"Ah, the age-old conundrum of the deceptive ‘stache! 🧐 It’s like a tiny, wiggly curtain trying to hide the true face behind it. 🎭 Beware the mustache charlatans, for their upper lip abode may not be what it seems! 🕵️‍♂️👨"

Automated phone system: To speak to a representative, please enter the last twelve digits of Pi.

Automated phone system: To speak to a representative, please enter the last twelve digits of Pi.

"Ah, the famous last twelve digits of Pi – because pressing endless numbers is definitely a slice of Pi in the sky! 🥧😂 Don't worry, your call is important to us… once you've calculated Pi to the last digit! 🔢🤓"