The real body count is how many people are in therapy because of you. Posted on1 month ago1 month ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppFunny quote: The real body count is how many people are in therapy because of you. Related Funny Quotes Hello! I’m Britain’s greatest spy and my catchphrase is: I tell you my real surname, then my real forename, then my real surname again, in case you missed it. I’m not a dietitian, but if you eat pizza right at midnight your body doesn’t know if the calories go towards yesterday or today so they don’t count. I’m gonna start telling men I know a spot and it’s just me dropping them off at therapy. Therapy isn’t enough. I need to run my brain through the dishwasher. Some of us better hope Santa doesn’t check social media, because if he does, all we’re getting for Christmas is therapy.