Anything is free if you can outrun security. The more you know. Posted on6 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Remember, in the game of life, speed and stealth are key. 💨👟 Just make sure you also know when to hit the brakes and play it safe! 😜🚫 #FreebieHunting" Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I’ll make you feel safe in that you’ll know you can outrun me if we are being chased by a murderer. Airport security asked me if I’ve seen anything unusual. I just paid $18 for a coke & a sandwich. Let’s start with that. My security system is just a bunch of my unpaid bills taped to my front door. I hate it when I’m at work and someone asks “are you at free at the moment?”. Please expand further so I can know if I’m free or not. If you like someone, set them free. If they comeback, it means nobody liked them. Set them free again.