Every family needs a delusional daughter who is ambitious about relieving all her family’s struggles solely by winning the lottery one day.

Every family needs a delusional daughter who is ambitious about relieving all her family’s struggles solely by winning the lottery one day.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m in preschool or school… Oh wait, I’m at work.
  • Ah coffee. The sweet balm by which we shall accomplish today’s tasks.
  • I refuse to go to a blood bank. I’m not taking your blood money.
  • I have entirely too many new bruises for someone who isn’t getting laid.
  • Anyone who deals with customers on a professional basis should be allowed to hand out one face slap per day.
  • Whenever Im in trouble, I think, what would Jesus do? Then I pretend to be dead and disappear for 3 days.