I pretend I don’t care about stuff, but that’s only because I have no idea what’s going on around me at any given time.

I pretend I don’t care about stuff, but that’s only because I have no idea what’s going on around me at any given time.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Hairless cats look like the devil screwed up a possession.
  • When the Olympics finally introduces the event “Dropping your phone and very nearly catching it but not quite” then you’ll all see me shine.
  • I signed up to the gym a few months ago and still don’t see any results. I’ll go by there this weekend and ask what’s going on.
  • Karma not moving fast enough for me. I would hate to handle it myself, Lord.
  • Eating spaghetti to forgetti my regretti.
  • Husband and I were blissfully happy for 25 years. Then we met.