I’m a total go with the flow kinda person as long as the flow is meticulously scheduled well in advance and there are no mid-flow changes whatsoever.

I’m a total go with the flow kinda person as long as the flow is meticulously scheduled well in advance and there are no mid-flow changes whatsoever.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • If Facebook has taught us anything it’s that a lot of people aren’t quite ready for a spelling bee.
  • I’m ugly but I can make u laugh.
  • I broke up with the gym. We were just not working out.
  • I am a person who wants to do a lot of things trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep a lot.
  • I’ve never been to hell, but I once forgot to buy batteries for the toys on Christmas morning. The sound is still ringing in my ears.
  • Second day without coffee. I can no longer hear out of my left eye.