Please help my husband and I decide on dinner. We’ve narrowed it down to “It doesn’t matter” and “It’s your turn to choose”.

Please help my husband and I decide on dinner. We’ve narrowed it down to “It doesn’t matter” and “It’s your turn to choose”.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Just broke a clothes hanger and now have seven years of bad outfits.
  • I’m homeless. Minus the ‘m’.
  • My mother still has some really ugly things from the 90s. My older brother, for example.
  • Running from your problems is cardio.
  • Thunder is fake. It doesn’t even sync up properly with lightning. There’s some guy who waits till he sees lightning and then he presses the thunder button.
  • Marry someone the same size as you to avoid decades of annoyance adjusting the seats and mirrors in the car.