I love when I get an email from a brand saying “we miss you!” with no coupon attached. Babe, a lot of people miss me, let’s be competitive here.

I love when I get an email from a brand saying “we miss you!” with no coupon attached. Babe, a lot of people miss me, let’s be competitive here.

💌💔 Don't just say you miss me, show me the discount honey! 💸😂 Come on, brands, step up your game! There's a line of people waiting to win me back, get in on the competition! 🏆 #CouponOrBust #MissingMeAintEnough

I was going to learn to play the violin, but it was too much of a commitment. I wanted something with no strings attached.

I was going to learn to play the violin, but it was too much of a commitment. I wanted something with no strings attached.

"Violin lessons? Sounds like a pretty risky business with all those strings attached! 🎻 How about considering an instrument that is more 'stringless' and carefree? I hear the air guitar is quite popular these days! 🎸😄"