Congrats to my tween for graduating at the top of his class from eye roll university.

Congrats to my tween for graduating at the top of his class from eye roll university.

"Looks like your tween mastered the eye roll arts with flying colors! 🎓👀😂 Guess it's time to upgrade to Eye Roll University – Master's level program! 🙄🎉 #ProudParent"

Never feel bad when people roll their eyes while you talk to them. They're just looking for their brain.

Never feel bad when people roll their eyes while you talk to them. They’re just looking for their brain.

"Next time someone rolls their eyes while you're talking, just remind yourself that they're on a mission to find their lost brain 🧠💭. Don't feel bad, be proud that you're keeping them entertained! 🙄😂"

Out of all my body parts, I'm sure my eyes are in the best shape. I do at least 463 eye rolls a day.

Out of all my body parts, I’m sure my eyes are in the best shape. I do at least 463 eye rolls a day.

"Who needs a gym membership when you're getting a daily workout from all those eye rolls? With that kind of exercise regimen, your eyes must be in tip-top shape and ready for the eye-lympics!"