Everyone is always talking about raising money for dogs without homes, but what about the ones who donโ€™t have cars?

What do you mean I overthink things (as I wonder if I hurt my dogโ€™s feelings by liking cat videos on Instagram)?

How did they call Deadpoolโ€™s dog โ€˜Dogpoolโ€™ when โ€˜Deadpoodleโ€™ was right there?

People are teaching their dogs how to skateboard and my dogโ€™s chart at the vet says โ€œmust be picked up, wonโ€™t walkโ€.

Giving all the dogs in my neighborhood matching sweaters for Christmas so they can be in a gang.

I talk to my dog like sheโ€™s human and, like most humans, she looks at me like Iโ€™m an idiot.

Trust my gut? The thing that tricks me into buying gas station sushi and roller dogs? No thanks.

Nobody sighs louder than an unemployed, debt-free dog who spends at least 16 hours a day sleeping.

Iโ€™m having an orange, and the dogs keep looking at me like, โ€œstop eating that ball, dude.โ€

A penguin is a bird the way a hot dog is a sandwich.

Not to brag, but my best yoga pose is awkward facing dog.

Just once Iโ€™d like my dog to give me a treat.

You know you’re a bad cook when the dog won’t lick the plate.

Women in movies look so beautiful when they sleep. Meanwhile, Iโ€™m tossing and turning all night like a forgotten 7-Eleven hot dog.

You ever go to a baseball game and hear a guy yelling, โ€œhot dogs! hot dogs!โ€ over and over again? Thatโ€™s me, looking for hot dogs.