Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

"Ah, the undeniable truth about politicians and diapers – they both need changing frequently because they're full of *bleep*! 💩😂 Let's hope one of them doesn't end up in the laundry by mistake! 👖✨"

Babies invented being in a bad mood for no reason, and they continue to innovate in the field.

Babies invented being in a bad mood for no reason, and they continue to innovate in the field.

👶🔬 Watch out, folks! Forget about technology, babies have mastered the art of being grumpy geniuses! They are the true pioneers of mood swings and tantrums – the trendsetters of irrational crankiness since day one! Keep an eye out for their next groundbreaking discoveries in the world of tiny tempers! 😂#BabyMoodInnovators

The marriage rate has been trending downward. Choreographed wedding dances may be the reason.

The marriage rate has been trending downward. Choreographed wedding dances may be the reason.

"Looks like people are finally realizing they can't dance their way out of doing the dishes! 💃🕺🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ #MarriageStruggles"

Online shopping gives me a reason to live for another 3-5 business days.

Online shopping gives me a reason to live for another 3-5 business days.

“Who knew that waiting for a package to arrive could become the highlight of the week? Forget living for the weekend, now it’s all about living for those precious 3-5 business days of anticipation and tracking updates!”

Fun Fact or Trivia:
The first online purchase ever made was a Sting album, “Ten Summoner’s Tales,” in 1994. The transaction took place on August 11, 1994, and the album was purchased by a 21-year-old man named Dan Kohn. This marked the beginning of the era of online shopping as we know it today!