Everyone on the bus thinks that they are the main character, when in reality the main character is the bus.

A babysitter is a teenager who acts like an adult while the adults go out to act like teenagers.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to breathe quieter while walking up a hill so strangers didn’t call 911.

I can’t wait until my kids have a place of their own so I can come barging through their door and say “what’s for dinner? I don’t like that. Can you give me money for McDonald’s?”

I wonder what the part of my brain that used to store people’s phone numbers is doing now.

Sorry I said your toddler should be in commercials for birth control.

Taking the day off to brush up on conspiracy theories and really get this Thanksgiving party started.

That moment the doorbell rings and you tip toe to the window pretending you’re not home.

On the surface: cool as a cucumber. On the inside: squirrel in traffic.

Girls will be like “it’s fine” then start drawing a pentagram in blood on their floorboards.

Revenge is a dish best served by cutting a sandwich horizontally instead of diagonally.

Naps are tricky. Either you wake up relaxed and refreshed, or you have a headache, a dry throat and no idea what year it is.

You ever go to a baseball game and hear a guy yelling, “hot dogs! hot dogs!” over and over again? That’s me, looking for hot dogs.

“I can’t possibly lose this if I put it here” I say to myself before completely forgetting where here is.

I like to describe the difference between theory and practice with shopping lists and receipts.