To all the people with grammatical issues, don’t worry, I also have problems with badly timed periods. Posted onSep 22, 2023May 6, 2024 by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppFunny quote: To all the people with grammatical issues, don’t worry, I also have problems with badly timed periods. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I worry a lot about the wild animals in my neighborhood, but I’m beginning to think they don’t worry about me. If people continue to behave so badly, I will donate my organs to an animal shelter. Ex’s be like “I gave you everything”. Yeah, trust issues. I need a button in Zoom meetings where it just freezes my screen and makes it look like I’m having network issues. AI is trained on what we write, so if we want to save our jobs we should all write really badly for a while. I’ve been doing my bit for years.