Are you spaghetti because I want you to meat my balls? Posted on5 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Looks like someone's cooking up a saucy pick-up line! Just remember, it's all fun and games until someone gets tangled in a pasta-ble situation!" Related Funny Quotes 🤝 If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat? We all just kind of accept it as normal that we have a meat tentacle living inside of our mouth. Everyone is celebrating my vegan Bolognese sauce. The secret ingredient is minced meat. Make your salad taste better by putting it between bread, meat, cheese, and Big Mac sauce. Is it healthier to drink tap water and let the fluoride calcify my pineal gland or drink bottled spring water and let micro plastics settle in my balls?