Alcohol and eye contact is a deadly combo.

Thereโ€™s going to be a full moon this Christmas! Because mixing family and alcohol together wasnโ€™t enoughโ€ฆ

I was going to warn my kids about the repercussions of drugs and alcohol until I realized that they in fact were the repercussions of drugs and alcohol.

Seven wives and no alcohol? No thanks, Mormons.

What you call โ€œBrunchโ€ I call โ€œBreakfast for Alcoholics.โ€

You know what goes great with helping your kid with math homework? Vodka!

I have never seen an alcohol company using a drunk person for any advertising, are they ashamed of their customers?

There is nothing like a little tomato soup to soothe the soul, even if itโ€™s cold, over ice, with a celery stalk and vodka.

I switched from coffee to orange juice and told my doctor I felt better. He said itโ€™s the vitamin C and natural sugars, but I think itโ€™s the vodka.

Alcohol: When you want to run away from your problems without moving.

My employer is totally caring. They pay so poorly that I can’t afford to have an alcohol or drug problem.

I bought a watermelon and all I can think about is filling it with vodka.

“Whatโ€™s a random act of kindness youโ€™ve done for a stranger recently?” I helped a bunch of teens buy alcohol and cigarettes the other day.

You can tell me what you want, but alcohol and eye contact are a dangerous combination.

Middle-aged math is going out drinking and feeling half your age then waking up the next morning feeling twice your age.