As a kid, I was worried about randomly disappearing into the Bermuda Triangle forever. As an adult, I’m wondering how I can actually make that happen.

As a kid, I was worried about randomly disappearing into the Bermuda Triangle forever. As an adult, I’m wondering how I can actually make that happen.

Texting random numbers “It’s done.”

Texting random numbers “It’s done.”

Text a co-worker at a random time “are you joining this meeting?” as a fun holiday prank.

Text a co-worker at a random time “are you joining this meeting?” as a fun holiday prank.

There's only one way we'll at least occasionally get normal elected officials and that's if we pick them by random lottery.

There’s only one way we’ll at least occasionally get normal elected officials and that’s if we pick them by random lottery.

I’m so jealous of people who live near a coastal area. What do you mean you can just go to the beach on a random Tuesday?

I’m so jealous of people who live near a coastal area. What do you mean you can just go to the beach on a random Tuesday?

I swear people go to Starbucks and just say random words. “Lemme get a grande iced mocha no foam quad soy hexagon vortex hypothesis with steamed ice”.

I swear people go to Starbucks and just say random words. “Lemme get a grande iced mocha no foam quad soy hexagon vortex hypothesis with steamed ice”.

Pretty sure they’re naming prescription drugs by just grabbing random Scrabble tiles. "Oh hey, Qdilrox sounds good."

Pretty sure they’re naming prescription drugs by just grabbing random Scrabble tiles. “Oh hey, Qdilrox sounds good.”

It’s that time of year again where I go to random restaurants to tell random women, “So this is why you cancelled our date?”, while they’re out with their significant others.

It’s that time of year again where I go to random restaurants to tell random women, “So this is why you cancelled our date?”, while they’re out with their significant others.

I hate it when some random company refers to me as their “customer.” I’m like, look, we had one night of drunken shopping, we are not in a relationship.

I hate it when some random company refers to me as their “customer.” I’m like, look, we had one night of drunken shopping, we are not in a relationship.

I haven’t worn a trench coat since a random man in his 60s said to me “what are you looking for, detective?”

I haven’t worn a trench coat since a random man in his 60s said to me “what are you looking for, detective?”