Keep your friend’s toast and your enemy’s toaster.

Why do plane tickets have to be so expensive? You’re literally going that way anyway. Just give me a ride.

Just because I can’t sing doesn’t mean I won’t sing.

Mail is crazy because it’s like 99 pieces of straight up garbage and 1 that if you don’t reply to you’re going to jail.

Your eyes water when you yawn because you miss your bed and it makes you sad.

Day number 3 without coffee: Lost hearing in my left eye.

My superpower? I can look you right in the eyes while you’re talking and not hear a single word you said.

Hell hath no fury like a toddler getting his nose wiped.

Back to work at last! I couldn’t sleep for sheer anticipation.

Even a broken shrimp fries rice twice a day.

My goal was to look good in a bikini this summer, but the call of the barbecue is stronger.

If my son ever came out as gay, I’d be so furious. Furious that he never gave me fashion advice.

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

Just had my biannual teeth cleaning like some barn animal.