Yes, I sometimes put my cell phone down. Especially when it rings.

Automated phone system: To speak to a representative, please enter the first twelve digits of pi.

The adult version of β€œhead, shoulders, knees and toes” is β€œwallet, glasses, keys and phone.”

Remember before social media you would have to pick up the phone and call someone to tell them how much you love bacon?

It’s a beautiful morning. Lots of people out walking their phones.

Sometimes I rock it as a parent, other times I drop my phone on my sleeping child while taking a picture of it. It’s called balance.

Always remember, if you ever need me, I’m just several phone calls and unread texts away.

Hey cell phone companies who play smooth jazz hold music hoping I’ll lose interest and give up: yeah, it’s kinda working.

I wish I could lose weight as easily as I lose my keys, phone, temper, and my mind.

Still don’t understand how girls with no jobs be holding iPhones.

I’ll call it a smartphone when I yell “Where’s my phone?” and it yells back “Down here in the couch cushions!”

The bad news is there was a lot of turbulence on my flight this morning. The good news is my phone counted it as steps.

Restaurants: put your phone down, live in the moment. Also, scan our QR code and browse our menu.

When someone touches my phone, I automatically turn into a ninja.

Laying next to my charger waiting for my phone to die, that’s how lazy I am.