Hot singles over 40 in your area are curious what you use for joint pain and inflammation.

Christmas can be really hard for single people. Everyone else is having a brilliant time and we have to hide the fact that every day is like that for us.

Hot singles in your area! They don’t want to talk to you. But they’re there.

If someone asks you: ‘Why are you single, don’t you like people?’, answer: ‘Why aren’t you a millionaire, don’t you like money?’

One night stands just make more sense for single people. Why would you need a night stand on both sides of the bed?

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck got engaged, broke up, married other people, had children, reunited, got married, broke up again, and I’ve been single that whole time.

Maybe the reason Miss Piggy is still single is she has a fear of kermitment.

The only hot singles in my area are in my wallet.

I’m single because of everyone else’s shortcomings.

To all the people who ask singles why they are actually single: Please don’t. We have sworn an oath and are not allowed to tell you the secret of our success.

I met my wife at a singles night. I was surprised as I thought she was at home with the kids.

Being single allows you to do a lot of things. For example, standing naked in the kitchen at night and eating cold pizza.

If you’re not happy single you won’t be happy married. Happiness comes from eating food, not from relationships.

I’m so single, even my husband won’t match with me on Tinder.

If someone asks you why you’re single, just answer with: “Got lucky.”