Thinking about stepping down from being an adult, I’m just not in the right headspace for this position right now. I really appreciate the opportunity though.

When you’re a child, you want to be a teenager. When you’re a teenager, you want to be an adult. When you’re an adult, you want to be a cat.

I used to think adulthood was one crisis after another. I was wrong. Multiple crises. Concurrently. All at once. All the time. Forever.

It’s interesting growing up and discovering that most adults are not that clever. I had my suspicions as a kid but I didn’t think the situation was this dire.

As a teen: secretly drinking in the park with friends. As an adult: secretly drinking in the park with squirrels.

Watching “Dirty Dancing” as a teenager: Damn right, no one puts Baby in a corner. Watching “Dirty Dancing” as an adult: This girl is a brat and needs a lesson.

Adults should not be twins. Being twins is for children.

Middle children as adults still trying to get attention because the oldest is being dramatic and the younger child is getting away with everything.

Nothing prepared me for the part of adulthood where you look like a baby deer learning to walk every time you get out of bed in the morning.

After being raised on Disney movies, I’m very disappointed how few adult problems can be solved by a good song and dance.

People often mistake me for an adult because of my age.

Being an adult is when you ask the babysitter when you should be home.

A babysitter is a teenager who acts like an adult while the adults go out to act like teenagers.

Welcome to adulthood: your chin looks lonely, here’s another one.

An adult is a person who makes noise when they stand up.