The secret to a clean home? Never let your husband or children in.

Home is where you’ve left the shopping list.

Home is where you can walk around like a bum.

My favorite part of leaving the house is looking forward to going home.

Before Facebook, we would hold people hostage inside our homes by showing them photo albums of our vacation.

Playdates were invented to force parents into cleaning their home.

β€˜I have a ripe avocado at home’ is my favorite excuse for cancelling plans.

The best part of vacation with your extended family is talking shit about them on the trip home.

I’m gonna get my vasectomy done at Home Depot like a real man.

Life hack: put on an apron at home and people think you’re super busy doing important stuff even when you’re not.

You didn’t let me know you got home safely so you better at least be injured or I’m gonna be pissed.

The guy who drills the holes so you can assemble IKEA furniture is clearly having problems at home.

I’m homeless. Minus the ‘m’.

Why can’t you just be happy for me and then go home and talk behind my back later like a normal person?

It’s important to get out of the house every once in a while to get excited about going home.