“So if I had kids, my kids would never…” Spoiler: Yes, they would.

One of the great things about being a dad is how easy it is to launder my own desire for ice cream through my children.

The sweater is an item of clothing that a child has to wear when parents are cold.

The secret to a clean home? Never let your husband or children in.

When I was a kid there were two sure ways to die, natural causes and talking back to your parents.

The more I parent the more convinced I am that the ears on toddlers are purely for decoration.

I was the most patient parent and then I had kids.

The Playstation is broken and the child has noticed that I live here too.

I aspire to be a stay-at-home mom with no kids.

In case of a disaster, women and children are being evacuated first so men can think about a solution in peace.

You can’t keep running away from your problems, you’re getting older and your kids are getting faster.

Some parents are blessed with amazing kids and others have kids that decide to learn the trumpet.

Village life is when you send two kids out to play and six kids come back hungry.

When someone asks why you don’t have kids just say β€œdingoes”.

Get married and have kids so that you can Google things like β€œHow to teach your kid to not bite”.