Funny quotes about Star Wars

  • May the force be with you, but not with your sibling.
  • Why did the Wookiee go to the doctor? He had Chew-bacca!
  • Darth Vader's fitness instructor is a real Sith master.
  • How do Ewoks communicate during battle? With Endor-phones!
  • If Yoda were a vegetable, he'd be a Yogurt.
  • I like my coffee on the Dark Side.
  • What do you call a Sith who won't fight? A Sith-by.
  • Stormtroopers must have terrible aim because they're always missing the point.
  • What do you call a pirate droid? Arr2-D2!
  • I tried to make a lightsaber out of spaghetti, but it was a bit al dente.
  • Why was Kylo Ren always so angry? He couldn't find the droid he was looking for.
  • What do you call a bounty hunter who is always happy? Boba Fettuccine.
  • Han Solo walks into a bar... and just shoots first.
  • Why did the Jedi cross the road? To get to the light side.
  • What's a Jedi's favorite candy? Obi-Wan Cannoli.
  • Why doesn't Yoda like shopping at the mall? Too many "buy one, get one free, hmm?"
  • How does Jabba the Hutt like his coffee? Solo and carbonated.
  • What do you call a group of musical Jedi? The Yodal Choir.
  • What do you call a Sith who won't share his toys? Darth Mirth.
  • Why did the droid go to the therapist? It had too many unresolved issues.

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