April fools prank: replace all the sugar in your house with cocaine.

April fools prank: replace all the sugar in your house with cocaine.

"April fools or breaking bad? Either way, be prepared for a sugar rush like never before… and maybe a visit from the DEA!"

The trick is to not let people know how weird you are until it's too late for them to back out.

The trick is to not let people know how weird you are until it’s too late for them to back out.

"Ah, the art of timing – the key to making sure they're already invested in your weirdness before they even realize it! Sneakily brilliant, I must say."

Halloween candy isn’t bad for you if you keep it in a salad bowl.

Halloween candy isn’t bad for you if you keep it in a salad bowl.

"Whoever said you can't have your candy and eat it too clearly never heard of the Halloween salad bowl diet! It's all about balance… and a little bit of trick-or-treating magic."