Technically, the Friday after July 4 isn’t a holiday. But I think we all know that Americans have a constitutional right to take the fifth.

Technically, the Friday after July 4 isn't a holiday. But I think we all know that Americans have a constitutional right to take the fifth.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • “I’d love to go to the moon” I said “but on a full moon day of course, no point going all that way when only half of it’s there”
  • My pronouns are she/her and my adjectives are problematic/overwhelmed.
  • I was raised to be humble which I excel at cause I excel at everything.
  • I’m soirée for my mispronunciation of French words.
  • Yesterday my husband thought he saw a cockroach in the kitchen. He sprayed and cleaned everything thoroughly. Today I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom.
  • I started at the bottom and worked my way down.