I don’t understand how some people find love several times in their lives. I first have to find someone who doesn’t get on my nerves. Posted onNov 15, 2023May 6, 2024 by slickboy in Funny Quotes FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppI don’t understand how some people find love several times in their lives. I first have to find someone who doesn’t get on my nerves. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 As someone who lives on earth, rising sea levels are alarming. But as someone who has always wanted to be a mermaid, I’m intrigued. I wish I loved exercise as much as I love napping 3 times a day and eating 5 times the suggested serving size. There are a 100 billions nerves in the human body, and there are people who have the ability to irritate all of them. That awkward moment you can’t understand what somebody is saying after they have repeated it about five times. You know you’re really stressed when you start getting on your own nerves.