Save tons of money on a weighted blanket by sleeping under the mattress. Posted on4 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:"Who needs fancy bedding when you've got a mattress for that extra *weight* in your life? 💸😴 #BudgetSleepingHacks" Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Who needs a weighted blanket when you’ve got the weight of the world? I need a weighted blanket that won’t let me get out of bed in the morning. Women’s fall fashion is basically coming up with ways to wear a blanket without it looking like you’re wearing a blanket. Autumn at last. Sitting on the sofa all day with a blanket and tea and watching movies. Just like in summer, but with a blanket and tea. If I was lying down and someone came up and gave me tons of kisses and smooshed my face, I’d love it. I don’t know what my cat’s problem is.