I don’t know who needs to hear this, but no one in the world is judging you as much as you’re judging yourself. People online: Hold my beer.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but no one in the world is judging you as much as you’re judging yourself. People online: Hold my beer.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • True luxury is sleeping until you wake up by yourself.
  • Me: I love you more than a flower loves the sun. Him: I love you more than a teenager loves his phone.
  • I’m at the age where unnecessary noise be pissing me off.
  • Laxatives help you live up to your full pooptential.
  • My brain cells, skin cells and hair cells continue to die, but my fat cells seem to have an eternal life.
  • Dogs will go through amazing effort to get a better view of your plate.