I was once told that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Due to this, I’ve been observing a vow of silence since 1997.

I was once told that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Due to this, I’ve been observing a vow of silence since 1997.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • How do I un-know people?
  • Experts say you can make any statement sound more credible by adding ‘experts say’ at the beginning.
  • The first two drinks don’t count if you have social anxiety, they just turn you into a normal person.
  • The last time I said I wanted to try missionary, she sent me to a remote village in Africa.
  • My mother still has some really ugly things from the 90s. My older brother, for example.
  • If you think swimming with dolphins is expensive, you should try swimming with sharks. It cost me an arm and a leg!