I wish I was a kid again so everyone would be proud of me for taking a long nap. Posted on5 days ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppCommentary:Ah, to be a kid again where a long nap is seen as an achievement worthy of applause! Who knew that adulting would involve celebrating just making it through the day without a nap time tantrum? Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I’m doing well at accomplishing nothing today and I’m very proud of myself. It should be illegal to take a nap and still have a headache when you wake up. Like, I shut it off and back on again, why are you still here? One of my biggest talents is taking hundreds of screenshots that I swear I’ll need, but I never look at them again. So proud of my ancestors for crawling out of the sea and evolving lungs. Pretty disappointed in them ever since though. If you don’t buy any snacks, you’re proud for a moment and then incredibly sad.