They need to invent a dishwasher with a window on it. I have to know what goes on in there. Posted on1 week ago1 week ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppThey need to invent a dishwasher with a window on it. I have to know what goes on in there. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I think my new neighbors are creeps. They seem to be looking into my window every time I’m looking out my window to see what they are doing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you either have a naked window neighbor or you are the naked window neighbor. There’s a rhyming Italian expression for saying “take it or leave it” that goes “o mangi questa minestra o salti dalla finestra”. It means “either eat this soup or throw yourself out the window”. Never understood why people train their dogs to sit pretty or roll over when there are useful tricks like empty the dishwasher or fold the laundry. Me: God, please stop giving me your toughest battles. God: You just have to empty the dishwasher.