Lego bricks are classic educational toys. You step on them once and you can do ballet. Posted onJun 8, 2024Jun 8, 2024 by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppFunny quote: Lego bricks are classic educational toys. You step on them once and you can do ballet. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 I’ve never been to hell, but I once forgot to buy batteries for the toys on Christmas morning. The sound is still ringing in my ears. Lego better be trying to cure child cancer with how much their shit cost. Trying is the first step toward failure. Have you ever noticed that when you step on someone’s foot, they open their mouth? It’s like a folding trash can. My step counter doesn’t judge. For him, steps to the fridge are just as valuable as a walk.