“AI is coming for your jobs”. I’d like to see AI show up drunk on Fridays and sexually harass my coworkers. Posted on6 months ago3 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsApp“AI is coming for your jobs”. I’d like to see AI show up drunk on Fridays and sexually harass my coworkers. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Just a reminder that you’re not allowed to hit your coworkers. Even if they’re stupid. I asked. Twice. I have my own hand stamper at home so my coworkers will think I went someplace fun the night before. I only go on LinkedIn to see what my coworkers looked like 15 years ago. Group projects in school weren’t meant to teach you teamwork, they were meant to teach you how to deal with the incompetence of your coworkers in the workplace. Went to HR to complain about my coworkers but my mom said she can’t fire my kids.