Everyone is gangster until they’re asked to reveal a “fun fact” about themself as part of a work event icebreaker. Posted onJun 16, 20243 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppEveryone is gangster until they’re asked to reveal a “fun fact” about themself as part of a work event icebreaker. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 Everyone’s a gangster until the grocery store switches their aisles around. Everyone’s a gangster until they turn a spoon the wrong way under running water. An agenda reveal party, where I surprise everyone with all the things I hope to accomplish this weekend. “I thought it might be nice to go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves, including a fun fact.” You thought wrong. Asked my therapist who their therapist was and went to see them. Asked them the same thing until I got to the final boss therapist and defeated them with my train wreck of a life.