If, I, want to, put, a comma, there, then, I will put, the comma, there.

If, I, want to, put, a comma, there, then, I will put, the comma, there.

Putting commas wherever one pleases, marching to the beat of their own punctuation drum. 🥁 Who said grammar couldn't be fun and rebellious? 🤓 Let those commas roam free and assert their comma-nity! 🦄 #CommaCool

lol is punctuation and LOL is laugh out loud.

lol is punctuation and LOL is laugh out loud.

"lol is like a casual chuckle at a joke, while LOL is full-blown, knee-slapping, tears-streaming laughter 😂! Let's just say, one is a light giggle and the other is a side-splitting, ab-crunching experience! 🤣 #PunctuationVsLaughter"

Only people who grew up before the internet will remember these: spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Only people who grew up before the internet will remember these: spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Ah, the good ol' days when spelling, grammar, and punctuation weren't just optional emojis 📚📝 Now, we rely on autocorrect to save us from turning into comma-less cavemen 😜 Let's take a moment of silence for the lost art of proofreading… or maybe we can just blame it on technology! 💻🤷‍♂️ #ThrowbackGrammar #InternetAgeStruggles

Grammar is important. It’s the difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you’re nuts.

Grammar is important. It’s the difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you’re nuts.

"Grammar: the fine line between being a walnut connoisseur and questioning your sanity 🥜🤪 Remember folks, punctuation saves lives… and prevents awkward nut-related mix-ups! 😉"

Big fan of the comma, just great. Like look, I just made you pause the sentence as you read it. Oh look, I just did it again.

Big fan of the comma, just great. Like look, I just made you pause the sentence as you read it. Oh look, I just did it again.

Oh, the mighty comma – the unsung hero of punctuation, master of timing ⏱️, the pause button of written language! Bravo, dear comma, for your subtle yet powerful influence on the flow of words! 😉👏 #CommaMagic

You don’t use a semicolons correctly; you use a semicolon confidently.

You don’t use a semicolons correctly; you use a semicolon confidently.

"Life's too short to worry about semicolons; just confidently sprinkle them around like confetti at a punctuation party! 💁‍♂️🎉 #SemicolonConfidence"

I’m giving up eating chocolate for a month. Sorry, bad punctuation. I’m giving up. Eating chocolate for a month.

I’m giving up eating chocolate for a month. Sorry, bad punctuation. I’m giving up. Eating chocolate for a month.

Don't you just love the power of proper punctuation? 😂 Looks like someone accidentally declared war on chocolate! 🍫 Hold strong, brave soul. May your resolve stay as firm as that rock-hard chocolate bar you're avoiding!

I hate commas. It's not my job to tell you when you breathe. Work it out, you're a grown adult.

I hate commas. It’s not my job to tell you when you breathe. Work it out, you’re a grown adult.

"Who needs commas when you've got attitude and sass like that? 💁‍♀️ Breathing is overrated anyways, just wing it like the grown adult you are! 😂 #NoCommasNoProblem"

People found guilty of not using punctuation deserve the longest sentence possible.

People found guilty of not using punctuation deserve the longest sentence possible.

Don't be a criminal in the grammar world! Remember folks, punctuate or face the consequences – a never-ending sentence!