If you ever ask a teen to do something and they just say “sure” without arguing, check that they haven’t been replaced with an android.

If you ever ask a teen to do something and they just say “sure” without arguing, check that they haven’t been replaced with an android.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • My fairytale would be called the princess and the pea sized bladder.
  • When is someone actually going to change the surprise in the avocado? This hard core is kind of a stupid toy.
  • Mom asked me what I was drinking the first time I got drunk and I said “breast milk” and now she’s not talking to me.
  • I’ll stop being so lazy when being so lazy stops being so awesome.
  • Unfortunately most of my sex noises come from trying to get out of bed.
  • Life always has it’s ups and downs. I like to up the music, down the drinks, and then relax and enjoy.