If you shouldn’t go food shopping when you’re hungry, then you should definitely not go clothes shopping when you’re naked. Trust me on this.

If you shouldn’t go food shopping when you’re hungry, then you should definitely not go clothes shopping when you’re naked. Trust me on this.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Restaurants: put your phone down, live in the moment. Also, scan our QR code and browse our menu.
  • I’m now at the age where happy hour is a nap.
  • Is there a bravery award I can nominate my son for as he managed to eat his toast despite the fact I cut it wrong.
  • I love all mythical creatures. Vampires, werewolves, unicorns, kids who listen.
  • Why did they call it long distance running and not fardio?
  • Actually, men should take the pill. It makes more sense to unload the gun than to shoot at a bulletproof vest.