When I tell a joke that doesn’t land, I follow up with a worse one to make my audience realize how good they had it with the first joke.

When I tell a joke that doesn’t land, I follow up with a worse one to make my audience realize how good they had it with the first joke.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I grew up in a really small town. The closest thing we had to food delivery was someone egging your house.
  • When my nudes go to the cloud, I always hope God is impressed.
  • If you’re not in my circle of trust, you’re probably in my triangle of suspicion or rhombus of doubt.
  • Haggis – the meal you have to stomach twice.
  • My youngest started kindergarten today and I cried, but mostly for his teachers.
  • The sweater is an item of clothing that a child has to wear when parents are cold.