Before Google, if you didn’t know something you had to go ask someone and most of the time they couldn’t help you, and now that’s also how Google works.

Before Google, if you didn’t know something you had to go ask someone and most of the time they couldn’t help you, and now that’s also how Google works.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Your child learning to say mommy is when your life begins and ends.
  • Started from the bottom, now we a little bit above the bottom.
  • Meow means woof in cat.
  • Ask your girlfriend for her ring size and then give her a personalized bowling ball.
  • I’m still trying to dig myself out my ringtone debt from the late 90’s.
  • I don’t mean to brag, but I put together a puzzle in 1 day and the box said 2-4 years.