Before I die, I’m going to arrange for a friend to take my phone, and after the funeral, text everybody to say “thanks for coming” and other assorted messages of appreciation.

Before I die, I’m going to arrange for a friend to take my phone, and after the funeral, text everybody to say “thanks for coming” and other assorted messages of appreciation.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I don’t need your flipping advice, I am capable of ruining my life on my own.
  • I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
  • Screen time so high, I should send another risky message and then ignore my cell phone for three days.
  • Our parents were right all along, the music is too loud.
  • I was just viciously body shamed by my mirror.
  • Loving her was my second biggest mistake. Not buying Bitcoins in 2010 still remains the first.