I always fear that one day I will enter my house and find a thief, knocked out unconscious by the things fallen on his head from some closet.

I always fear that one day I will enter my house and find a thief, knocked out unconscious by the things fallen on his head from some closet.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.
  • No haunted houses for me this year. If I wanna be frightened, I’ll just look at my 401k.
  • Amazing how fast my addiction to my phone is cured the moment I get a phone call.
  • I wish I was as tired in bed at night as I am after lunch at work.
  • I’ve decided to become an organ donor. When I die, I want an elephant to get a new trunk.
  • Not to brag, but I can trip over things that aren’t even there!