The History Channel, because where else are you going to learn about how aliens were instrumental in the development of humanity?

The History Channel, because where else are you going to learn about how aliens were instrumental in the development of humanity?

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Why are so many people going everywhere whenever I have to go anywhere?
  • We have decided to sell the house. How long do you think it will take for our landlord to find out?
  • There are drug-sniffing dogs, guide dogs, dogs that save lives. And then there’s my dog, who hits the lead when he poops.
  • If I’m wrongly accused of a crime, I’m going to prison. I’m way too introverted to have an alibi.
  • I went to a mind reader. She almost went mad.
  • I don’t understand the concept of “the man of your dreams”. Every time my wife wakes up after dreaming about me, she is really pissed off about something dream me did.