Duolingo should have an “I’m going on holiday to this place very soon” setting so it teaches you “can I have the bill” and so on instead of “the cow boils an egg”.

Duolingo should have an "I'm going on holiday to this place very soon" setting so it teaches you "can I have the bill" and so on instead of "the cow boils an egg".

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I am calling on public libraries to ban the books that I borrowed and lost. We don’t need that kind of crap in the libraries.
  • I just finally discovered what’s wrong with my brain: on the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.
  • I’m homeless. Minus the ‘m’.
  • I could never be in the mafia, those guys stay up way to late.
  • The prime minister is a minister that is not divisible by any other minister.
  • Women know the exact weight of their children and their age in days. Men just know that little people live with them.