If a girl sends you selfies and you don’t compliment her, she should be allowed to electrocute you. Posted on1 month ago1 month ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes 💾 Save Image FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsApp#if #a #girl #sends #you #selfies #and #you #dont #compliment #her #she #should #be #allowed #to #electrocute #you #funnyquote #funnyquotes Related Funny Quotes 🤝 They say it is hard to look at lips that you are not allowed to kiss. You do not know how hard it is to look at a face that you are not allowed to hit. Fishing for compliments like “I’m a mess in this photo that I took all morning to get the right angle and filter and after 50 selfies this is me”. Responding to all selfies with “this should work.” Living your life to the fullest does not have to involve selfies with bison. Just when you’ve built some confidence that you’re a smarter than average human, universe sends you captcha.