If you ever think you can solve a parenting problem by doing the opposite of what didn’t work last time, the universe will just be like “Lol, nice try, dummy!”

If you ever think you can solve a parenting problem by doing the opposite of what didn’t work last time, the universe will just be like "Lol, nice try, dummy!"

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • You should never donate to people that collect money for marathons. They just take your money and run.
  • My husband sure has a lot of opinions on which movie he’s gonna sleep through.
  • 50% of parenting is just trying to decide if that noise is worth walking up all of those stairs.
  • I will never sell out my integrity unless I am offered something for it.
  • I can cope well with most situations. Hearing someone smack is not one of them.
  • I told all my neighbors that I have a twin, so that when I see them in public I don’t have to talk to them.