If you want your kid to play with their toy just give it to your other kid. Follow me for more parenting hacks. Posted on3 months ago3 months ago by slickboy in Funny Quotes FacebookXPinterestRedditLinkedInEmailWhatsAppIf you want your kid to play with their toy just give it to your other kid. Follow me for more parenting hacks. Related Funny Quotes 🤝 If you’re having trouble finding the match to one of your socks, throw it away and the missing one will immediately show up. Follow me for more life hacks. Parenting is cheering on your kid’s winning softball team all weekend and then cheering on the Sunday rain for cancelling the rest of the games. Parenting is yelling ‘you just had a snack!’ over and over until you give in and throw them another snack. If you play guitar in a band, always make sure to look like it hurts to play. Taylor Swift’s most unrealistic lyric is “he’d never tell you, but he can play guitar”, because I’ve never met a man who can play guitar that isn’t gonna tell you about it.