My favorite thing about summer is opening a window for 30 seconds so an insect that hasn’t been identified by science yet can fly into your home.

My favorite thing about summer is opening a window for 30 seconds so an insect that hasn’t been identified by science yet can fly into your home.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • I always bring a glass of water to bed with me so I have something to knock over in the middle of the night.
  • People will be like “there is no right or wrong way to do it” until you do it the wrong way.
  • If you ever think you can solve a parenting problem by doing the opposite of what didn’t work last time, the universe will just be like “Lol, nice try, dummy!”
  • When you’re dead, you don’t know that you’re dead. But it’s hard for those around you. It’s the same when you’re stupid.
  • Cicadas are all like, “Y’all mind if I scream?”
  • Every time we try to eat healthy, along comes Christmas, Easter, summer, Friday, or Tuesday, and ruins it for us.