If I like you I keep you close, if not I keep you at a distance so I can mime squishing your head between my thumb and forefinger.

If I like you I keep you close, if not I keep you at a distance so I can mime squishing your head between my thumb and forefinger.

Trendy Funny Quotes

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  • Are you ever in the mood to get hit by a car and spend like one month in the hospital?
  • It’s almost bed time, so I’ll just check my e-mail, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and watch a season of my favorite show on Netflix real quick.
  • I always knew I’d get old. How fast it happened was a bit of a surprise though.
  • I’m ready for a new relationship. My past is buried in the backyard, to fertilize the tomatoes.
  • Drinking at home is convenient, sure, but it’s nothing like the experience of leaving the pub feeling fifty bucks lighter.