People always talk about how they love to sit in their cars for a while once they get home. Whenever I do that, my Uber driver yells at me.

People always talk about how they love to sit in their cars for a while once they get home. Whenever I do that, my Uber driver yells at me.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • “Left alone” would have been the right answer as a child to the question of what I wanted to be when I grew up.
  • I wanna be crazy rich. I’m already crazy, so I’m half way there.
  • Two mysterious people live in my house. “Somebody” and “Nobody.” Somebody did it and nobody knows who.
  • You should tell different people completely different things about yourself so that they then get into arguments when gossiping about you.
  • It’s so funny when someone writes a song to try to get someone to have sex with them. That’s what a bird would do!
  • People tell introverts to talk more and get out of their comfort zone, but no one tells extroverts to shut up to make the zone comfortable.