Roses are red, violets are blue, sunflowers are yellow. I bet you were expecting something romantic, but no, this is just gardening facts.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sunflowers are yellow. I bet you were expecting something romantic, but no, this is just gardening facts.

Trendy Funny Quotes

  • Roses are red, violets are blue. Your parents are very disappointed in you.
  • The free hotel blow-dryer should be easier to get off the bathroom wall.
  • The class: “You want us to do what?” Super Mario: “Jump around, catch and eat the giant mushroom, bang your head against the crates and, if necessary, crush all the critters. It’sa easy!”
  • I’m very loyal to whatever brand is on sale.
  • Village life is when you send two kids out to play and six kids come back hungry.
  • Are you ever in the mood to get hit by a car and spend like one month in the hospital?